Montag, 18. Februar 2008

Tutorial to make C-intro & gameboot with screenshots

Tutorial to make C-intro & gameboot with screenshots

Intruction to make intro.pmf and/or gameboot,pmf

Tools required:
1) XviD-1.0.3-20122004.exe
2) Max DVD to AVI Converter (optional - for best quality intro or gameboot later)
3) Windows Movie Maker
4) Notepad
5) Virtual Dub Mod
6) Wav editor
8) PMF Creater

- Before we begin, I will just use the word "test" for naming the file and "desktop" as my directory.
- I use avi file to make, you can use mp4 too but must install the correct codec so that window movie maker can recognise. I have not tested other format yet but it sould work if you have the correct codec
- I use Sound Forge 8.0d to explain frequency editing later. You can use other wave tool.
- The screenshots may not look the same as your working program but it doesn't matter because I edited them to save space.
- Sony Sound Forge 8.0d download link, Ctrl+F to search (must register to use)

Converting DVD to avi format with Max DVD to AVI Converter

Use this only if you want to clip off some nice part of the dvd movie dics.
Otherwise just skip to Window Movie Maker if you have avi or other compatible file format.

1) Before using Max DVD to AVI Converter, install XviD-1.0.3-20122004.exe first
2) Install Max DVD to AVI Converter and run it
3) Open file and look for the file you need to convert (E.G: VTS_02_1.VOB ...a part of the files in my dvd disc)
4) Click TARGET and save the file to desktop
5) Click RUN
6) Choose <<>> and XviD MPEG-4 Codec

7) Click OK and wait till process finish

Windows Movie Maker

1) Open Windows Movie Maker
2) Go to File > Import into Collections...
3) Look for the avi file you want to use (E.G: the avi file you had just converted)
4) Import the avi file you selected
5) Click and drag the file to the Video timeline (The one that shows "Drag media to the timeline to begin making a movie)
6) Play the file
7) If you want to remove extra part of the file you don't want, pause the play and click split (The split button is second for far right of the view movie screen) and the file will split into 2 parts.
8) Choose the part that you want to remove, right click and choose delete (or remove)

9) In the Movie Tasks box, under "Finish Movie", click "Save to my computer"
10) Name it test and save to desktop
11) Choose "Other settings: DV-AVI (NTSC) and click Next

12) Wait for the process to finish (You can close it after finish. Save changes to the project is optional)


1) Open Notepad
2) Type these lines without any typo error (very important)
First line: DirectShowSource("test.avi")
Second line: lanczosresize(480,272)
Third line: changefps(29.97)
3) Save it as test.AVS (Capital letter A V S), save as type "All Files"
(Save it to desktop)

Virtual Dub Mod

1) Open Virtual Dub Mod
2) File > Open video file...Open "test.AVS"
3) Stream > Stream list
4) Click Save WAV
5) Name it test and save it
Important: There is a check box at the bottom of the Save WAV File window. Uncheck the "Don't run this job now; add it to job control so I can run it in batch mode"
6) Wait for the process to finish and it will return back to "Available streams" window again

7) Click Disable and then click OK
8) File > Save As...
9) Name it test2 and click save (Wait for the process to finish).
In the destop, you will have: test.avi, test.AVS, test.wav & test2.avi

Wav Editor (Sound Forge 8.0d)

1) Open Sound Forge 8.0d
2) Open the file "test.wav" you created earlier using Virtual Dub Mod
3) At the bottom of the screen, you will see the sample rate is 48,000 Hz. Right click and change to 44,100 Hz (If you use your own wave editor, you should change the frequency to 44,100 Hz)

4) Save the file and close

UMD Stream Composer

1) Open UMD Stream Composer
2) Click New > Clip name: test (or anyname you like) & Project name: work (or anyname you like) and click next
3) Check Box: Tick PSP Movie Format (for game) and click Finish
4) Click Video Source > Open > Open "test2.avi" (in desktop). Click OK
5) Click Audio Source > Open > Open "test.wav" (in desktop). Click OK
6) Click Run(R) > "Encode + Multiplex" and wait for the process to finish
7) Click Close and exit the program (Need not save the project)

PMF Creater

1) Open PMF Creater
2) Path of your MPS: click browse and go to My Documents > UmdStreamComposer > MuxWork > work > 00001 > select 00001.MPS and click Open

3) Save As: click browse and type: (a) intro - if you want to use in cintro; or b) gameboot - if you want to save as gameboot *
4) Total time: Take note of the duration of "test2.avi" and "test.wav" (E.G: my test2.avi is 14 seconds while test.wav is 15 seconds). Enter time in between the shortest and the longest seconds. I enter 15 (Trial & Error - personal preference but should not be way below or over)

5) Click convert and wait for a while.
6) Click OK and exit program

Voila...You have just created a new intro/gameboot file.

* You can also use the above steps to make gameboot.pmf. Please limit the gameboot.pmf to maximum 4 seconds when creating test.avi. Why? Coz the gameboot only play for 4 seconds. If the file created extreamely long, you might ended up having blank white gameboot without sound.

* Sometime it may get jerky at the end of the gameboot play if u use exactly 4 seconds max, but not always the case. So recommended you make roughly around 3.5 - 3.8 seconds.

Below are the necessary tools for you to work with and some samples I made.
All credits goes to all the developers who make the tools. I take no credit except the long instructions and screenshots. It's quite tiring

Hope you guys get it through. Thank you and enjoy

Edit: To make C-intro work, copy the PSP folder from the extract and enable Autorun Eboot from Recovery menu. Put the intro.pmf you have created into ms0:/PSP/SYSTEM/INTRO folder. Cheers !

Edit: Partial images, intro.pmf and gameboot.pmf sample are removed due to potential copyrighted infringement. Sorry for that.

File Type: rar Max DVD to AVI Converter 3.0 & XviD Codec.rar (2.63 MB)
File Type: rar Virtual Dub Mod.rar (1.58 MB)
File Type: rar CINTRO & pmfcreater.rar (47.6 KB)

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