Auto Generate Pack for PSX2PSP
Created by: SiTWulf
PSX2PSP created by: KingSquitter
Ideas & Suggestions:
Install notes:
* Install the supplied zrnic.ttf font.
Open your folder c:\windows\fonts click FILE and select "Install new font", then select the file zrnic.ttf.
* Delete old updates of this Auto Generate pack.
* Unzip the folders BOOT, ICON0 and PIC0 into your PSX2PSP\Custom pics
* Open PSX2PSP, Click Options, In Customized Images select the Plugins you need/like.
If you need to use your PIC0, simply select the BLANK plugin in Options.
Knows Bugs:
* None for now.
- Finally Fixed the problem with all Text, now all have White and top quality.
- Rewrote the Auto Generate Boot/Warning screen with more info.
- New options like CD count in PIC0.
- Rewrite all pngs files again.
V0.9 IR
- Internal Release with new Pngs and proyected sizes.
- New Fixed Fonts in PIC0 (Better quality)
- Add the Readme File, with install tutorial.
- Add new feature: Auto Generate - Small Font (Same as normal, but with small fonts)
V0.7 (Almost the final release)
- Fixed all plugins Items, include the Original Default items.
- More detailed text, and fixed position on screen.
- New option add: Auto Generate PIC0 with Disc Numbers. (See the screencap)
- Reduced the PNG sizes for small eboot.pbp files.
More Options
- Auto Generate CDS & Effects.
- Auto Generate CDS.
- Auto Generate Numbers & Effects.
- Auto Generate Numbers.
Fixed the Separator Bar with a perfect Bar.
Fixed the Moving Text in a few game names.
Auto Generate BOOT add.
More detailed text in autogenerate.
First edition, simply code.
Final Notes:
AutoGenerate V1.0.rar